Google on your mobile!

This is another revolution. From now on, we´ll all be able to google on our mobile phone everything we do, everybody we meet, every place we go.
Google Mobile Search will for sure change many things in our everyday life.
You meet a celebrity in the street but can´t remember his/her name? Google it!
You´re in a taxi, and you can´t remember the address of this night club you´re supposed to meet your friends? Google it!
You´re at lunch with clients of yours. You really want to impress them but, damn it!, you want to make sure that you´re not going to tell nonsense about their competitors. A mock-stay at the bathroom to Google it - and there you go!
I just hope it works...Well, not Google Mobile, but the Internet (I had tried GPRS access on my mobile, but it was too slow for everyday navigation)...
Dear Jedi,
You should definitely consider high-tech blogging. We could partner and start building an extremly reliable source for high-tech lovers.
Your remarks are brillant and extremely up-do-date. Indeed, the mobile translation movement of web services raises many issues including those you call "net neutrality" and "accessibility".
Thanks for the articles, they´re both extremely interesting. Ground rules for mobile Internet graphic designing were as you pointed out necessary,
Jeremy Fain, at 6/27/2006 03:24:00 PM
Many thanks Jedi. That´s (unfortunately) a lot of hard work too.
Jeremy Fain, at 6/27/2006 03:53:00 PM
Have a look at :
Anonymous, at 6/27/2006 04:08:00 PM
Wow, Wapeduc looks great too. Non French-speakers, please do not hesitate to ask for translations in case you do not fully understand what it´s all about - I´d be glad to translate it for you (so would be very active Anonymous I guess).
Jeremy Fain, at 6/27/2006 04:15:00 PM
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