Picture request...

No really connection with IT, but it shows at least one way to take advantage of the new horizons the maturation of the Internet has opened.
I got an e-mail this morning asking for my picture. There you go.
Please not that, though single, I´m currently unavailable. I hope this little story will urge people to start their own blog...
Actually i would have used a wider aperture, enblended with another shot oppositely exposed. For instance with a 50mm (in 35mm equivalent) at 1:8 (at least), at 1/1000, ISO 100 , then 5:6 at 1/300. And then of course you'll have to tune the colour balance histogram before you enblend the interpolated picture.
Anonymous, at 6/23/2006 12:04:00 PM
I think the darkness of the picture is ideliberate : Jeremy is keen of keeping his mysteries !
Anonymous, at 6/23/2006 12:12:00 PM
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