Entrepreneurial Brainstorming session N.3: BlogMapping.com

Blogs, as pretty much anything social, are organized in networks. If a visit doesn´t make of you a community member (Steve? Leo? ;-) ), leaving a comment includes you in a conversation and leaves a link towards your own personal space.
My idea would be to build a tool tracking networks on the blogosphere. In other words, BlogMapping.com would be an "automatic visual LinkedIn", where you could see who is connected to whom, and how strong their ties are. For instance, X & Y both leave comments on Z´s blog, so Z connects them. But Z leaves comments on Y´s blog, not on X´s blog, so the Y-Z link is stronger than the X-Z one.
I believe categories of bloggers should appear very fast, becoming communities of common interests (IT, Art, Rock music, entrepreneurship, Ventures Capital, Politics, etc.).
As usual, I´m not displaying any business model hint until it´s been commented (by the way, you´ll find commented what I think the business model answer is on WikiustomerService.com).
Very interesting, that´s exactly what I´m talking about provided that names, a certain dynamism (new blogs, dormant blogs, etc.) and automacity are added.
Jeremy Fain, at 8/15/2006 05:43:00 PM
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