A few days in Barcelona with Vincent

Vincent came to visit me for 5 days. Although I was most of the time working, we managed to find some time to to exchange on matters such as innovation, entrepreneurial economics, high tech, Apple, software, the Internet, & girls..which didn´t prevent us from drinking too much, eating interesting food, meeting nice people and listening to some really good live jazz music. I had met Vincent during my time, as an international exchange student within the Master of Entrepreneurship & New Business Venturing at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus Universiteit.
We had teamed up to write a research paper about the best possible entrepreneurial teams. Vincent & I had come up with the conclusion that Asterix (mental agility) & Obelix (strength) was a good founding pair, and we defined the perfect profile: Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is both a geek (Amazon rests on its customer-centric information systems) and a Wall-Street insider (helpful during fundraising times). Those who actually feel like reading the paper may write an e-mail to me and I´ll be glad to send it (.pdf).
The main reason why I´ve decided to write such a post is that Vincent underwent quite an interesting, although sad, adventure. As he was polishing his thesis, he landed a consulting job within one of the European Space Agency incubator´ start-ups. Founded by an Israeli / Belgian / American team, the start-up was devising virtual space tourism systems when its founder suddenly died in his early thirties. So did the project, obviously. It´s pretty difficult to comment on such a story, but I wanted to share it with you all.
This being said, Vincent is already thinking of executing one of his business ideas - a sort of Web 2.0 publishing company. Well, I´m afraid I can´t say much more, but you may expect Vincent, a very heavy reader, to come up with disruptive innovation (he was trained at Sony) in this ageing business.
Adendum 1: I have actually shot a video interview of Vincent. It´s pretty big (500 MB), and I´d like to start videocasting on this very blog. Would anyone be kind enough to suggest me a videocasting hosting service as well as a compression standard enabling me to plug the video (.avi)? I was thinking of YouTube and vpod.tv...Many thanks in advance.
Adendum 2: for your information, Vincent´s favourite websites both cast video. These are the great & utmostly famous Venture Voice & a Stanford University lectures broadcasting service I don´t know yet. Vince, could you please provide IT Addict´s readership with the exact address in the comments section?
François-Albert, you wrote: "i am about (just after the release of vpodtv for sure) to launch a blog in gb or french (it depends) dedicated to web 2.0 start-ups and small businesses (almost exclusivelly IT). wan't to join me? or you may stay "free as a bird" ... up to you... no matter what you'll do."
Many thanks. I recommend you to launch you blog in English. To answer properly your request, I´m afraid I cannot commit myself onto new projects for now: I´m currently very busy with my work, and next year looks frantic too, since I´ll be studying Information Technology at Centrale Paris - no piece of cake for a business management student like me. My pain will then not be over: job hunting time should be next.
Thanks for your offer anyways. We´ll most probably manage to build bridges between our respective blogs.
Jeremy Fain, at 8/09/2006 09:21:00 PM
i understand. the door is still open ;-)
but you know i doesn't take a lot of time. about one hour or less to prepare the interview and one mail to contact people. up to you. indeed.
But if you want to become Wired.2.0.TV it is another piece of cake ;-)
do you know IT CONVERSATIONS? a must watch.
addictedtofinance, at 8/09/2006 10:21:00 PM
Thanks for both links, accessoweb & IT Conversations. I didn't know about them. I don't watch many videocasts (twice a week maybe, mainly top executives & entrepreneurs interviews): it's very time consuming and, unlike podcasts, pretty hard to keep on doing something else ie listening without watching.
Jeremy Fain, at 8/09/2006 10:34:00 PM
Hi vincent
i would be very intereted in having one invite of Vox. business project.
could you send me one? via my blog or via jeremy?
thanks a lot.
Anonymous, at 8/10/2006 10:03:00 PM
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