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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Loic Le Meur on blogging at the Google Zeitgeist Europe conference

You should listen to Loic Le Meur´s intervention at Google Zeitgeist Europe, which occurred in June 2006. Loic Le Meur is one of the most prominent spokespersons of European blogging and podcasting (he´s written a book on each of the topics; I haven´t had the opportunity to read these yet but I´ll keep you posted, it´ll come soon), and leading French blogger.

Loic Le Meur´s presentation of what it takes to be a blogger is extremely telling. Indeed, why don´t journalists bother to discuss with their readers? There are situations in life where we just feel like expressing ourselves. Let me conclude by quoting Loic: "Bloggers just want to be part of a conversation".

Enjoy the podcast.


  • You´re most welcome Loic. Thanks to you for what you do for the blogosphere: many people discover blogging through you!

    If you plan to come to Barcelona one of these days, and have some spare time, feel free to get in touch! I´d be glad to gather and have a drink with you.

    By Blogger Jeremy Fain, at 7/14/2006 10:27:00 AM  

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