Cisco Systems France and its weekly high-tech podcast

Cisco Systems France had started in January 2006 a weekly radio-podcast program: diaLog. The two journalists, Jérôme Colombain and François Sorel, are really, really good, both have a great sense of humour and they invite the most prominent decision makers of the French high-tech lanscape.
Judge by ourself! You should be able to find on the Archives page:
Pierre Ardichvili (IT Communications business development director), Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet (HEC Alumni, founder and CEO of, Olivier Sezner (VP technological strategy @ Cisco France), Jérôme Archambault (country manager @ Skype), Rafi Haladjian (founder of Ozone), Stéphane Cotte (Samsung France), Patrick Chanudet (, and many more!
The two interviews I found most interesting were the ones of Alexandre Mars (HEC Alumni too, founder and CEO of PhoneValley) - because I happen to know him a little bit (he had just stopped investing in start-ups when I was fundraising for a project); and the double-interview of Pierre Chappaz (founder of, founder of Kelkoo, former Yahoo! France director) and Tariq Krim (founder of Netvibes) who are particularly visionary when it comes to their vision regarding what Internet 2.0 really is.
I apologize to all non-French speaking ITAddicted, the program´s in French. But I suggest you start taking French lessons because Cisco diaLog´s worth it.
Click here to access the podcast´s main page.
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